We are Collector.O
Sell we are most valuable items.


Our Vision

Meticulously selected by Collector.O's own standards.

Our Story

Vintage furniture is an original piece of furniture from the past that has stood the test of time because of its timeless beauty and uncompromising quality. The unique patina created by the passage of time is irreplaceable and rare. That's why buying vintage furniture is not just about buying a piece of furniture, it's about owning a piece of history and culture.


OUR Vision

Meticulously selected by Collector.O's own standards.

OUR Story

Vintage furniture is an original piece of furniture from the past that has stood the test of time because of its timeless beauty and uncompromising quality. The unique patina created by the passage of time is irreplaceable and rare. That's why buying vintage furniture is not just about buying a piece of furniture, it's about owning a piece of history and culture.

상호명  주식회사 와이콤마

대표이사  김현중, 선종석

주소  서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 123 여삼빌딩 602호

사업자등록번호  584-88-03288 사업자정보확인

통신판매업신고  2024-서울강남-05642

개인정보보호책임자  선종석(seonjs@ycomma.com)

고객센터  070-7602-9000

(주)와이콤마는 통신판매의 당사자가 아닌 통신판매중개자로서 상품, 상품정보, 거래에 대한 책임은 각 판매자에 있습니다.

상호명  주식회사 와이콤마

대표이사  김현중, 선종석

주소  서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 123 여삼빌딩 602호

사업자등록번호  584-88-03288 사업자정보확인

통신판매업신고  2024-서울강남-05642

개인정보보호책임자  선종석(seonjs@ycomma.com)

고객센터  070-7602-9000

(주)와이콤마는 통신판매의 당사자가 아닌 통신판매중개자로서 상품, 상품정보, 거래에 대한 책임은 각 판매자에 있습니다.

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